16.850.000 đ 16.850.000 đ
- KT: 680x440x1000mm
- VL: Sus
- Origin: NGP - VN
- Warranty 06 months


  • - KT: 680x440x1000mm
  • - VL: Sus 
  • - Power: 220v / 1p / 3kw
    + Drip tray
  • - KT: 395x604x20mm (DxRxC)
  • - VL: 1mm thick SUS304, folding 5mm edge
    + Flat tray for food
  • - KT: 400x600x12 mm (DxRxC)
  • - VL: 1mm thick SUS304, 2 mm hole punch, 5 mm folding edge
  • - Origin: NGP - VN
  • - Warranty 12 months


Of course, this product has the main use of drying food. And the food groups you can use for machine drying include:

  • - Dried foods such as: cotton rub, dried shrimp, beef jerky, dried fish, dried chicken ... Depending on the type of ingredients, the drying time will be different.
  • - Group of agricultural food products such as vegetables, tubers, mushrooms
  • - Group of dry dishes: mainly to taste like sausage.
  • - With high temperature and powerful fan, the machine not only helps to dry food but also has the effect of processing, creating flavor, making food more delicious and attractive.

If you need to order products or need more advice on food oven products, please contact NGP via Hotline: 2862748181 - 028 6656 4141 - 028 2262 9191. Our staff I am always ready to respond and cater to your needs quickly. Thank you!

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- 6%

245.000.000 đ
260.000.000 đ

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33.605.000 đ
44.800.000 đ
- 10%

9.720.000 đ
10.800.000 đ


8.500.000 đ