245.000 đ 245.000 đ
- Dimensions: 40x60x5cm
- Material: Non-stick
- Thickness 8 dem – 1mm
- Price includes warranty, delivery at Ngo Gia Phat warehouse (excluding transportation and installation and warranty services at the request of customers.)

Banh mi is one of the favorite foods of Vietnamese people and especially very famous among international friends. So in Vietnam, it is not difficult to see trolleys and shops selling bread. To create this cake, bakers can use a flat tray and burlap to create waves. However, this tool takes a lot of time for the craftsman to create waves. Therefore, for greater convenience, corrugated bread baking trays are provided.


To meet the diverse needs of customers, Ngo Gia Phat develops and provides corrugated bread tray products such as:

- Non-stick 4-slot bread tray

- Non-stick 4-slot bread tray

- Non-stick 5-slot bread tray

- Non-stick 5-slot bread tray

=> See details here:

With non-stick corrugated tray products, when the baker uses it, he or she will need to use some tools or other ingredients to make the cake not stick during baking and taking out. And the non-stick tray should not save more time and effort. That's why the price of non-stick trays will be slightly higher than that of non-stick trays. NGP's corrugated tray products are not only diverse in size, brand but also in price. Especially when customers buy in bulk will receive additional discounts.

If you want to order a 4-way non-stick bread tray, you can directly add it to the cart above and fill in all the information. In addition, if you need more information, please contact NGP via Hotline: 02862748181 – 028 6656 4141 – 028 2262 9191. Our staff is always ready to respond and serve your needs. your request! Thank you.

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- 4%

460.000 đ
480.000 đ
- 10%

520.000 đ
580.000 đ
- 2%

590.000 đ
599.000 đ

- 10%

320.000 đ
355.000 đ
- 6%

119.000 đ
127.000 đ